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Un viso, 2019

carta, filo cotone, grafite /

14,5 x 21 cm 

A visage

paper, coton thread, graphite

Prova a dirlo, 2020

carta, filo cotone, grafite /

12 x 20 cm 

Try to say it

paper, coton thread, graphite

Ritratto di V.B., 2020

carta, filo cotone, grafite /

10,5 x 16,5 cm 

Portrait of V.B.

paper, coton thread, graphite

Studiando August Sander, 2020

carta, filo cotone, grafite /

11,5 x 16,5 cm 

Studying August Sander

paper, coton thread, graphite

Sono uno specchio?, 2020

carta, filo cotone, pennarello /

19,7 x 12 cm 

Am I a mirror?

paper, coton thread, graphite

Lacrime condivise, 2020

carta, filo cotone, pennarello /

23,5 x 14,5 cm 

Shared tears

paper, coton thread, marker

La neve nel cuore, 2019

carta, filo cotone, grafite /

14 x 21 cm 

Snow in the heart

paper, coton thread, graphite

Là!, 2020

carta, filo cotone, pennarello /

23,5 x 14,2 cm 

Over there!

paper, coton thread, marker

Profili di due esseri umani sconosciuti, 2020

radiografie, filo cotone /

47,5 x 29,7 cm 

Profiles of two unknown humans

x-rays, cotton thread 

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